
The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:26 am
by uderoche (deleted)

The Gear Thread

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Last edited Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:26 am | Scroll up


RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:15 pm
by Vote_For_Kodos • 23 Posts

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Gear it is. My latest pedalboard, always a work in progress. I just added an Ernie Ball MVP volume pedal and I'm still fiddling with where I want to place it in the chain.

I rarely use the wah pedal. I used to use the DynaComp a lot more before I got the EP boost (clean boost), which seems to be a great pedal for my particular rig (American Strat w/ Vintage 50s into VOX AC15 w/ mullard tubes).

Now, I basically stack the TS-808 & the box of rock on the normal channel with very little gain so that it's just starting to break up & I can use my volume knob to control the distortion.

Here's my issue: this rig is bright as shit and sometimes seems to have a mind of its own. Sometimes the damn thing sounds awesome and I feel like a rock star, sometimes it sounds like a flabby whining chicken whistle. I've tried to eliminate as many variables as I can to identify the issue. I've replaced cables. I've fiddled with my pickup height. I've changed strings (I'm using D'addario nickel wound 10's at the moment) I've played with rolling off the tone knob on the guitar. I've played just with the amp. I've run my pedalboard in a hundred different configurations, I made sure to put a buffered pedal at the end of the chain, the list goes on and on, and I'm still not able to get it to sound like I want it to.

I'm not an obsessive tone-hound--quite the contrary. I don't need it to sound brilliant--I'm a bad enough guitarist that if you put me on a perfect rig I'll make it sound marginal. But, I just need it to not sound TERRIBLE.

I'll try to post a decent sounding video shortly.

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(Notice the before and after on my AC4. I put the original 4 watt amp body into a custom birch cab with a 12" greenback and put a mullard 12ax7 & EL84 in it and it sounds just as good as the AC15 if not better)

I feel more like I do now than I did when I first got here.
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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:45 pm
by Cliff • 344 Posts

It's funny what you say about how your rig sometimes sounds awesome, and sometimes not so much. I've felt this about my own setup, and I've read online a bunch of other people saying the same thing. I think sometimes it's either our ears, or our playing.

I don't play out at all at the moment, so my rig is very simple. I have a delay pedal that I rarely bother plugging in, and a Mesa Boogie Mk V that I bought used. I also have a clean boost which worked very nicely to beef up the clean channel on my Mesa Studio 22, but I sold that and haven't even bothered trying the boost with the Boogie - it doesn't need it. There are three clean channel options, with the last having a fair bit of bluesy breakup. There's a crunch channel which I rarely use, but it also has a Mk I mode which I like to play with my PRS - it really does sound pretty close to Santana. If I'm going for distortion, I spend most of my time on the third channel, which has a Mk II, a Mk IV and an Extreme setting. At the moment I'm favouring Mk IV, which has some more beef to it than the Mk II.

My rig is pretty bright sounding too. I shared a flat with my best mate who played a strat through a Studio 22, and he always went for a very bell-like tone, so that still influences me. Other than that, I'm very much into the Yngwie tone. And Santana.

For the last 25 years or so I've only had one guitar, a Charvel Model 6. A couple of years ago it started going out of tune (I guess some part of the locking trem finally wore), and so I bought a new Jackson Soloist. It's a mahogany body and neck, with an ebony board, and it has two Humbuckers From Hell pickups. I understand these are meant to be strat-like (I also wonder if they're meant to be Yngwie like, from the Arpeggios From Hell thing he did?) Anyway, it's a very bright sounding guitar. I love the neck pickup sound, but the bridge is probably just too much.

So after that purchase, I became a little addicted. I bought a PRS CU24. Looks great, sounds great, smells great, but not quite as nice to play as my others. Then I bought a Jackson Death Warrior. Super easy to play, though I've lowered the action too much (it can fret out on some high E bends), and awesome sounding with a Van Halen pickup in the bridge. I think it's a Duncan JB in the neck, which also sounds cool. Recently I got a Spalt Apex with a maple/wenge neck, which has two Bare Knuckles pickups. I forget their names, but they've got something to do with mass destruction and violence. I really like the tone of this one, particularly the neck pickup. It's also super easy to play. And it looks... well, it looks beautiful, I think.

My most recent purchase was a BlackStar HT1R, which is a small practice tube amp with a headphone socket. This was mostly a present to the rest of my family. At first I was blown away by the tone, but after a while I've become aware of its limitations (cleans are pretty good, distortion a little artificial sounding, and it sounds way better through the headphones than through its speaker). Still not a bad little practice amp though.

Still debating whether or not to shell out for an Axe FX II, but I find mostly I think about buying gear when I'm frustrated with my playing.

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:35 am
by Vote_For_Kodos • 23 Posts

"Still debating whether or not to shell out for an Axe FX II, but I find mostly I think about buying gear when I'm frustrated with my playing."


We all know that you can't buy tone, but some of us sure try...I am an admitted sufferer of "GAS" - gear acquisition syndrome. It's in the DSM-V, or if it's not it should be.

Glad to know I'm not the only one...

I feel more like I do now than I did when I first got here.
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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:39 am
by Vote_For_Kodos • 23 Posts

Thanks, uderoche. Follow up stupid question.

I get that you need to have the tubes working hard to get that tone, but, at a given volume, does it make a difference if your amp is turned up and your guitar is turned down or vice versa? Or, do you need to push the tubes with a loud guitar to get the tone you want from your tubes? I'm just thinking bedroom volume from a tube amp.

I feel more like I do now than I did when I first got here.

Last edited Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:40 am | Scroll up


RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:01 pm
by NicholasJacquet (deleted)

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I also have a JP music man, Les poalo studio sunny burst, and a blue japonese-strat that was given to me by an old chinaman from an antiques store that was crafted from only the finest quality samurai blade steel.

Modoric Aknowledgements:

Play Guitar better than Fred Durst?---Check

Play Guitar better than Lil' Wayne?---Check

Play Guitar better than Franz Listz?---

Last edited Thu Dec 05, 2013 9:06 pm | Scroll up


RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:46 pm
by dlraben • 278 Posts

This isn't the site for this, but I'm hoping to get a bit lucky here...

Anyone have any hands on experience with any of these:

1. Peavey Vypyr 60 Tube (hybrid)
2. Line 6 Spider Valve MkII (hybrid)
3. Line 6 Spider IV Jam (solid state, but with drum loops and a HUGE looper)
4. H&K Tubemeister 18 (full tube, less versatile?)
5. Something else that you will convincingly show me dominates all of the above

I'm looking for a versatile second amp. My first amp is all tube and is very versatile so I'm not currently missing any tones. Amp #3 made my list due to where I perceive myself to be in my studies (i.e. I need to "just jam" much more on top of all my technique work).

I've watched basically all the youTube videos out there on those 4. Videos from 'shredkev' really show of the vypyr. Tons of great videos on the two spiders. Not as many on the H&K, only 1 or 2 on the 1 watt setting, none doing clean tones justice. My local music stores either carry total bottom end crap or the multi-thousand huge stage rig offerings. So I can't demo these...

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:56 am
by dlraben • 278 Posts

Ursin, thanks for the response man!

I hadn't even considered the POD HD line + power amp. A 4x12 or a PA system are probably too big for my purposes, though it looks like I could use a POD with my Carvin 2x12 through my amp's effects return.

So you helped me get down to two options; this or the spider valve. Both connect to PCs for patches and recording (obv. easier with a POD). A split setup has some appeal because it's easier to move/travel with a POD than it is with an amp. Plus I could try out the POD first with my existing amp/cab, or PC speakers, or nice headphones, before grabbing a Tech 21 power engine (or something similar).

I'll see what I can test out...

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 27, 2013 9:48 am
by Scottulus • 222 Posts

Well, I like gear too! Nice stuff, Ursin. It may seem like I have a lot of gear, but I play out a lot so everything does get used, and has paid for itself, so here goes posting some of it:

Here is a Roland JC120, with a TC Electronics G-System. I use an MXR SuperBadass Distortion, an EHX Lil Big Muff Pi, and a Radial Eng ToneBone Hot British for my gain tones. Add an EHX Hog 2 and a TC Electronics Ditto Looper. Yeah!

Here is a Kieth McMillen 12Step, and an iPad. I use these 2 like crazy; the 12 step for playing bass with my feet, or keyboard pads. Or triggering prerecorded loops. Really a great product.

My beloved Marshall JVM 410H and a 1960V 4X12 cab. I love this amp. It's loud with extra LOUD on top! hahahaha

Here is a Godin LGTX with a Roland GR55. One of the better midi guitar systems, but still laggy and buggy as hell. It has served me well in many a gig, though... A great guitar/fx combo.

Ahh My Hughes and Kettner Statesman Dual 6L6. KILLER combo. I mean, really, really smooth. Well built, and a creamy gain. Great amps!

My two Yngwie J. Malmsteen stratocasters. One is a newer one loaded with the single spaced Seymour Duncan Fury's, and another older one with Dimarzio HS3's. Stacked, Hum Cancelling Singles. Great guitars, scalloped neck, the whole bit!

Oh and here is a cheapie Ibanez RG, complete with a SD JB Humbucker, and a Fishman Triple Play Midi pickup. I would not recommend this guitar for that pickup, because although it works, a LP type guitar or a start will track better because you can get the pickup close to the saddles.

Anyways, that's some of my stuff in my basement studio... I have more, but that's my favourites at the moment! hahaha Looking forward to other gear posts!

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:08 am
by Scottulus • 222 Posts

Oh man, Duncans hands down. They are way fuller sounding, better response, less boomy, and just easier to play. I don't know, they also seem more... furious. lol. A bit quieter, too... The Malmsteens are my main guitars.

I used to really, really like Dimarzio, probably because, like ALL of my heroes used 'em. Vai, Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert, Satch, Petrucci...

But Then I got into Beck... and George Lynch... Screamin' demons and JB and JB jar's all the way! hahahaha The fury's are a lot of fun.

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:41 am
by MAYHEM666777 • 3 Posts

i,v also used duncans most of my life i have to agree however i,v used emg,s and most recently Dimarzio .i dont know about other dimarzio pickups but if you like metal the D activators are specialy made for drop tunings and they sound better than anything i.v used for lower and standard tuning ...i just got them causethey were the only ones i could get in the color i wanted,but im glad i did.

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:55 am
by MAYHEM666777 • 3 Posts

i have a pod hd 500x the nice thing is being able to run 2 amps and bounce the delay back n forth or use the foot pedal a sa pan from amp to amp but the fx that come on it suck ...if your into metal i had to create my own ,the L6custom tone site sucks too ,but thats my opinion i also had a spidervalve ...the 100watt but its not got anywhere near the fx and in order to saturate the tubes you would have to crank it ...the smaller one may be a better alternative but if tou have a tube amp i would suggest a pod 300 400 or 500 if you can afford it the deep editing has adjustments for biasing to give that saturated sound without cranking your amp speaker excursion if you want tight bass or a looser feel and so much more.

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:02 am
by MAYHEM666777 • 3 Posts

i,v had a spider 4 and spidervalve ,the spider 4 has more fx and souns just as good as the much more expensive spidervalve ,and i tried a Vyper but unlike the spider 4 the vypers noise gate is supposed to be self adjusting ,,,it might as well not have a gate ,noisy!!! the spider has an adjustable gate you can get silence with minamul tweaking.its great! all in all ,im glad to see im not the only one who,s constantly searching for a beter sound ,,,i,v spent so much on amps and fx ,its rediculess

Last edited Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:09 am | Scroll up


RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:47 am
by John567 • 156 Posts

I got a question for anyone/everyone in this thread. Any help would be great.

Here's the deal: I need to get together some gear for a live stage setup for the following formats:

Duo (guitar w/vocal or guitar w/sax, guitar w/bass)
Trio (guitar, bass, drums)
Quartet/Quintet (guitar, bass, sax, drums, keys)

I need to be able cover all three situations. The style of music is jazz.

Any advice as to the equipment needed, etc...? Any good books on the subject?

Let me know.


... addicted to Dava... I don't know how to quit.
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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jan 17, 2014 10:31 am
by Cliff • 344 Posts

Hey John,

I don't think I can advise myself, but it might be helpful to know what size venue you're going to be playing in.

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Fri Jan 17, 2014 3:57 pm
by John567 • 156 Posts

Quote: Cliff wrote in post #22
Hey John,

I don't think I can advise myself, but it might be helpful to know what size venue you're going to be playing in.

From a small cafe (30 people) to a larger venue that could hold about 100.

... addicted to Dava... I don't know how to quit.
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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Jan 25, 2014 5:17 pm
by diegopaudyal • 91 Posts

I am not sure this is the right thread to post this question.

I have been using thin neck guitars like Ibanez JS series, Jackson etc. A few days ago I was to my buddy's house, he had this Epiphone Les Paul, a thick neck guitar. I played that guitar for a while and I found it so easy to play. Easy to keep my fingers curved, yes I could keep my pinky curved too. It was very easy to bend, vibrato, hammer on, and pull off.

I came home and tried my new jackson(thin neck) guitar and I couldn't do the same. I felt that there was too much space between my fretting hand thumb and the neck and my thumb was constantly trying to find the right position.

So my question is what kind of neck does your guitar have? Does a fat neck has advantages over thin and vice versa? I am really considering to replace my guitar, any advice??

Thank you

Don't just do it, Finish it!!
-Michael Angelo Batio
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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:05 pm
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

how do I add a picture? can't seem to figure it out lol

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:56 pm
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

think I figured it out.

Alright here's my gear, nothing too expensive considering I do not have a legitimate job haha. (had to go live with my dad who's a contractor for about a year to afford it all)

An Epiphone AJ acoustic, and an Epiphone SG, don't know exactly what model but one of the cheaper ones. When I first got it, it was white. I Hand sanded it(took me a few days haha) then applied a varnish a couple times.

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jan 27, 2014 3:00 pm
by MatGeorge • 90 Posts

Also an ESP/LTD MH-50
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And a Line 6 Spider IV 75
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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Thu Feb 06, 2014 1:51 pm
by avemari • 1 Post

If you get a chance check out Phaez amps Randy makes a kick ass amp i bought a Daisycutter 8 love it will buy some of his others i had him put an fx loop in mine dont let the 18 watt make you think this amp is weak

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:22 am
by ashan • 190 Posts

guitars - ibanez rg2550z prestige
yamaha sa 2000s
fender MIJ strat
ibanez rg 7620
yamaha pacifica (modded)

amps - blackstar ht-40
fender FM65R

pedals - proco turbo rat
boss ds-1
boss oc-3
boss bf-2
boss nf-2
marshall guv'nor

i use a digitech rp 1000 live though, which belongs to my band + sound(need it since they play shit from don williams to green day and a lot in between (wheres the vomit icon at?)..

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:55 am
by anthraxtacide • 4 Posts

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G'day guys, sorry if this breaks the code of conduct for posting in a thread. A photo of some of my hardware. All you-beaut stuff!

1 x PC with ASIO compatiable soundcard = $3000 in the day.
1 x 2nd hand Monterey Stage Series Strat type lipstick-red six-string Guitar with sticky tone potentiometer = $100
1 x KORG AX1500G 'Tone Works' Effects Pedal = $170
1 x Monterey MF-101 6 string Electric/Acoustic chinese manufactured, aussie imported communal outback pacifier. = $180 New from Retrovision Prt Headland. I'm guessing the pickups in these are some kind of piezo-electric coils???

1 x CASIO XW-P1 Performace Synthesizer 64 Key, Step Sequencing, Hybrid Sound Processing, Tone Modulating, Beat Layering whacked-out MIDI device. Ex-Demo keyboard from Kosmic Sound = $499

1 x Marshall 10 Watt Jaw dropping, bone fracturing, trouser soiling, heart rupturing Practice Amp. JB Hi-Fi = $49
1 x DRIVE 10 Watt Jaw dropping, bone fracturing, trouser soiling, heart rupturing Practice Amp / With Equilisation Knobs so you can adjust how much your bladder splits on that high C#add9. Price = Came with the Red Strat deal for $100 on gumtree.com.au

LASTLY! Bob Dylan 4 Chord Song Books.... Priceless $$

Thanks Guys! Been learning Guitar now for almost 2 yrs. Wish I had started earlier, but I always thought it was a pretty boy thing. I learnt Tuba for 7yrs mainly with some Trumpet/Piano/Drums thrown in. But it has been over 10 yrs since I read music. Tabs are so helpful. Especially the progressions generously provided by Mr P.Brown. Which I would like to add to gear list.

20 x Videos of Pebber.B practise videos. $ Priceless.

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:38 am
by Guitar Player • 83 Posts

I have a Jackson Dinky DK2 Pro(which has been modified).

An Ibanez Paul Gilbert PGM301.

A Fender Strat

For Amps I have a soldano HR50+ with a Peavey 5150 4x12 Cabinet and a Crate 2x12 80 watt combo.

Then for effects I have a Boss GT3.

I use some computer based stuff such as Podfarm and Guitar Rig too.

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RE: The Gear Thread: Guitars, Amps, Effects discussion

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:51 pm
by Guitar Player • 83 Posts

Quote: uderoche wrote in post #33
Cool man. Sounds like a nice rig. Let's see some pics
I have most of it closet room of the house. I haven't got none of it set up at the moment. The isn't enough room to set it up where I live now :-(. I use the Line6 toneport with Podfarm at the moment. Some of the computer based guitar stuff gets a pretty decent sound.

The soldano is a great sounding amp, it was expensive though. I bought that here in the UK back in 2000(it was used as well). It cost me 1100 UK pounds (it did come with a flightcase though) alone just for the top. Not too much soldano stuff is shipped over here to the UK and they aren't cheap. I really aren't into the tone of the amps like the ENGEL'S and the Blackstar's at all. They sound way too compressed for my liking.

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