Profile for Scottulus


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Date registered 07.10.2013
Last online: 06.01.2015
Sex: male


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Scottulus has replied to a post
Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:44 pm | jump to post

At the heart of it, music is a language. If you can speak, read and write it then you have so many more options available to you. Sightreading has nothing to do with picking styles or genre or even a set instrument. It is actually pretty universal, learn that and the world is your oyster. Seriously, though. it's just an opinion. I'm good, I can already play... lol I will leave you guys to it...
Scottulus has replied to a post
Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:15 am | jump to post

All good, not arguing with anyone. Do whatcha like.
Scottulus has replied to a post
Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:36 am | jump to post

Here is a question that perhaps might put things into perspective.How many friends do you have?More than 12?How many people do you know in total besides your friends?Do you know their names? Where they live?Can you recognize them when you see pictures of them? Can you recognize them when they are in different places?Maybe the same consideration should be taken with your 12 new friends/aquaintences? Notes are your friends...Now go rethink your lives.
Scottulus has replied to a post
Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:22 am | jump to post

I am not a PB student. Lol I do not follow the modules, Although I dabbled briefly to see what was what. I am here to see what, if anything, anybody has learned or can play that is of interest. Y'know, guitar and music enthusiast. Pebber has some neat ideas and a scientific mind hard-wired for complexity. It blows me away how obsessed with speed and picking people are when there is so much more to it...Anyways, I am not a byproduct of Pebber's method. Just thought I'd clear that up.

Scottulus has replied to a post
Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:42 pm | jump to post

Well, that series of books is used as a textbook for guitarists at music schools all over the world, Berklee in particular. So if you want to really hone some actual musical skills like reading music, chords and chord construction, position playing, chord progression, voice leading, chord to scale theory, interval studies, positional scale studies, triads, 7th chords, major scale, melodic minor, harmonic minor, wholetone and diminished along with a bunch of other stuff, then it is a great resour...
Scottulus has replied to a post
Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:38 am | jump to post

You are correct, for what you want to achieve, resources like Will Leavitt's are absolutely useless. I would advise you to save your money, and maybe put it towards a metronome that does much higher speeds? lol You are gonna need it with how crazy fast your picking and legato is gonna be...Keep doing what you are doing, looks like you are making awesome progress.
Scottulus has replied to a post
Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:50 pm | jump to post

Well, for guitar I am pretty obsessed with sightreading. I probably spend about 2-3 hours a day lately practicing, but really only an hour of that is spent on guitar. I currently spend the majority of my time working on Chapman stick, and 2 hand know, Will Leavitt's Modern Method for guitar books really cover a lot of ground, and I bet would compliment a lot of what Pebber is teaching, you know it would help y'all kill many birds with one stone kind of thing...

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Scottulus has replied to a post
Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:36 pm | jump to post

Hmmn I have always had troubles posting youtube clips here...

Scottulus has replied to a post
Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:42 am | jump to post

"Man, just look at Shawn Lane's power licks DVD, mind fucking patterns and runs."You mean like pentatonic scales in odd-note groupings of 5's and 6's? And diminished patterns? 'Cause that's what's on the DVD's. Nothing too out of the ordinary, just extremely fast.


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