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  • Module practice helpDateMon Dec 22, 2014 3:34 pm
    Topic by fleco. Forum: PB Guitarstudio FORUMS

    Hi guys,
    I am currently subscribed to Pebbers online lessons, but I need some help. I have been working on the first 3 modules, and want to make sure I am doing this the most efficient way and correctly. I start picking on each adjacent string, and non adjacent strings. Then I practice timing all the way up to 7/8 starting at low tempo until I cannot keep up. Module 2: I do trills, spiders, ladders, and classical form. Module 3 I am learning the G scale on each string separately, and am trying to learn the 5 pos system for G. Also when will it be ok to switch things up? I know Pebber says that you need to do things consistently everyday or you will never get good if you switch things around, but how do we know when we can switch things up, and not have it effect what you previously learned? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  • Warning: Real Beginner here!DateSun Nov 30, 2014 8:41 am
    Forum post by fleco. Topic: Warning: Real Beginner here!

    Hi Vin,
    To answer your question yes. I was a beginner on the guitar when I came across Pebbers lesson videos. When you sign up for Pebbers online classes he will send you beginner material. Pebber goes through everything with detail, and the videos are play along. Totally worth it. Also everyone on here will be very helpful with your process. I hope this helps answer your question. Enjoy!

  • Left hand thumb behind middle finger help.DateFri Nov 21, 2014 1:21 pm

    here is a video. Thanks guys!

  • Left hand thumb behind middle finger help.DateWed Nov 19, 2014 4:58 pm
    Topic by fleco. Forum: PB Guitarstudio FORUMS

    Hi guys,
    I am trying to improve my left hand technique, by keeping my thumb behind the middle finger. Normally I would play with my thumb slightly pointed to the right more behind the first finger. Now that I have changed by playing style, my playing has slowed down, and I am starting to get wrist pain. A few things to note, I have started trills and spider excercizes hoping this will strengthen the relationship between thumb, and middle finger. The part that is most concerning is the pain on the side of my wrist. Something to note when I am playing the A pent scale my thumb naturally wants to point to the right (between10 and 11 oclock), and I have to forcefully bend my wrist battling to keep it straight. Thanks guys nay help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to hurt myself!

  • How am I doing so far?DateThu May 29, 2014 2:14 pm
    Topic by fleco. Forum: PB Guitarstudio FORUMS

    Hey guys,
    I am wondering if I am starting out right foot. I also would like to know when do I switch things up.
    I start with scalpel picking on each string, picking excersizes with the pentatonic scale Ami, chromatic up and down the neck on each string. Then I try do do trills and a few spider exceriezes. F.Y.I. I do not know how to play any songs atm just want to get this stuff down cold first. Is that the wrong approach? Thanks everyone for your time!

  • New to guitarDateTue May 27, 2014 6:49 pm
    Forum post by fleco. Topic: New to guitar

    Thanks everyone for responding! I know this will be a long journey, but I am glad I found Pebbers site first before I started getting into playing and "bad habits"

  • New to guitarDateSat May 24, 2014 1:13 pm
    Topic by fleco. Forum: PB Guitarstudio FORUMS

    Hey guys ,
    I am just starting this journey into the world of guitar playing. I have a few questions. Thanks in advance to anyone who responds. To start I respect Pebbers teaching style as he make sit easy to understand and learn. So I am going to stick with his lessons. I have been studying module 1 and 2,and would like to know how long should I study these before becoming a paid member? Second question is what do spider exercises really do? Third theory, I watched music theory part 1A I have a decent understanding of this. If I sign up will I be able to access the next part? If any of these questions have been already asked I do apologize. thanks!

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