Profile for ferretwraith


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Date registered 09.21.2010
Last online: 03.16.2013
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ferretwraith has replied to a post
Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:55 pm | jump to post

I had much enthusiasm about trying thicker strings on my strat (this one to be specific ). I ultimately went back to 9-42s because I found 4 packs for $15 and I honestly didn't notice a difference between 9-42 and 10-46s (still have 3 packs of 10-46s with no D strings). When I tried to go any thicker, the grooves in the nut proved to be too small, making the open strings not in tune with the notes going up the neck.After looking for nu...

ferretwraith has replied to a post
Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:40 pm | jump to post

I feel like the innocent nature of the question is "What does it take to amaze a virtuoso? Vai is so incredibly good, yet here is this other guy who impresses even him. Please help me try to conceive what this other guy is doing to leave such an impression on someone who has such a vast education in musical theory as well as skill in technical execution."Granted, the way he asked sounds more like "I think Allan Holdsworth sucks balls. The general public agrees with me. Why are EVH and Vai so...

ferretwraith has replied to a post
Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:23 pm | jump to post

I'm a little confused on if you are asking about potential, or just fishing for inspiration to keep playing.The way I see it, with enough time, anyone (minus a few select imbeciles) can do anything, but no one can do everything. Annoying things like food, shelter, health, and sanity end up being far more limiting than how naturally fast your fingers twitched before you held a guitar. If there's something you're not accounting for, it's how much easier that is to say than it is to execute. It ...

ferretwraith has replied to a post
Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:58 pm | jump to post

I just want to reinforce the concept that what these people do is 100% trolling and nothing more.Anyone who has ever truly wanted to "play like buckethead" realizes that Pebber Brown's youtube channel is a Mother.Fucking.Miracle. -- and probably at least considered literally thanking God that their search lead to more than painfully incorrect Jordan tabs.

ferretwraith has replied to a post
Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:10 am | jump to post

Are you talking about this page? you play the major scale with the position 1 pattern from that sheet, starting with the circled 1 on G, you will be playing G major. If you do not shift that position AT ALL, you could also say you are playing in E minor, in which case the scale would be starting from the number 6.The minor pattern down lower on the page is the shape that you would use if you kept your starting note in the same spot and...

ferretwraith has replied to a post
Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:36 am | jump to post

Thank you for the videos sir.I have a sarod picking concern. I understand the concept. I'm pretty sure I understand the motion. What leaves me confused is the speed. In the videos I've seen of both Pebber and yourself, it seems like sarod is a code word for "ABOUT TO PLAY REALLY FREAKING FAST."Is doing it quickly a fundamental part of the technique? I'm assuming it's a matter of long-term practice, but sarod picking at 1/4th the pace of my regular picking, which isn't breaking any speed rec...

ferretwraith has replied to a post
Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:59 pm | jump to post

I had some questions about online lessons as well. I was wondering...Is it lifetime access to all of the hidden videos if you buy just one lesson?Is there an approximate number of how many people take them at a given time? Just curious, 30 total is a different situation than 3,000.And is there a suggested level of not-sucking that one should achieve before offering money to get help beyond the free videos?

ferretwraith has replied to a post
Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:35 pm | jump to post

I'm not a "real expert."The concept behind higher-grade instruments is that a player spends an incredible amount of time with it, constantly training precise muscle movements. This can make what seem to be relatively tiny differences feel huge. If you practiced on a M3 for the last 10 years, it is not surprising that your vibrato would feel/sound different on a Les Paul Studio.I would caution that almost anything that makes you sound different, you may falsely perceive as sounding better. Thi...

ferretwraith has replied to a post
Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:14 pm | jump to post

I think you missed two things.One is that module 1 is exclusively about improving your picking. He is still showing you the same(ish) exercise of picking on adjacent strings, just suggesting some different scales and notes you can play to preserve your sanity while you learn to mechanically pick the same 6 strings for hours/years. There was no intention of teaching you the actual scales.You also missed and would probably enjoy... the video I can't find that was all about using pentatonic scale...

ferretwraith has replied to a post
Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:52 pm | jump to post

Part 1: 2: 3:


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