Profile for Ibanez1012


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Date registered 12.12.2012
Last online: 12.30.2014
Sex: not specified

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Ibanez1012 has replied to a post
Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:01 pm | jump to post

Thanks for your welcome.(My english is very bad,hope you encoding these things that i'm writing here ;) ))This is my first video and it's good to see that there are some things i gotta work it out.Thumb behind the neck...only one of many.Music was my first love,and it will be my last

Ibanez1012 has replied to a post
Fri Jul 05, 2013 11:59 am | jump to post

Hi,I am Marcus from Germany and here's my first video i made yesterday.It was only a test....with many mistakes on notes and technique.Pebber,wanna thank you so much for all your videos and all your work you stuck in the last 2 Years,since i'd learn from you my music life is so much fuller and brighter.Thank you so much.Here's the post:

Ibanez1012 has replied to a post
Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:49 pm | jump to post

i think its better you warm up with some Isometrics,after that your fingers,arms and thr wrist is totally warming up,Me it's helping a lot.Here are some links from pebber :
Ibanez1012 has replied to a post
Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:41 pm | jump to post

Hey John...thaT's really really nice n' cool,keep jazzin on ;o)


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