Profile for robmurtha


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Date registered 05.22.2010
Last online: 10.08.2010
Sex: not specified

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robmurtha has replied to a post
Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:37 pm | jump to post

Grant Austin Taylor - kid can play

robmurtha has replied to a post
Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:51 am | jump to post

anyone like to share what delays and loopers they use?

robmurtha has replied to a post
Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:07 am | jump to post

funny that you put that up, I was just looking at the offer he sent out last night, thinking of getting the twin version
robmurtha has replied to a post
Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:19 pm | jump to post

35 - I'm 48 and so thankful that I bumped into Pebber, my playing has changed drastically since following his path, in my case it brings me back to where i started out and strayed a bit from over the years.
robmurtha has replied to a post
Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:10 pm | jump to post

Hi, in order to get the most out of the hour and not get distracted I would map time slots to activities in blocks of 10 minutes and carefully focus for that entire time for example trills are very beneficial and one of pebbers recommendations is to start with about 2 minutes of time per string. I think spiders and ladders are good for warming up and ensuring that you have correct teqnique do 10 minutes of those. Then do 30 minutes of scales in G in all positions repeat 5x with no mistakes inclu...

robmurtha has replied to a post
Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:49 am | jump to post

I started working on a couple of simple patterns that are creating a big impact, I'm showing them based on the scale just start from whatever string position you are at.1. ascending 21,32,43,54,65,76 ... descending 78,67,56,45,34,23,12 I used to always play this starting on 1 in this form 13,24,35,46 etc but I switched it around and start in the first position in G on G with starting on an up stroke so it goes 17,21,32 and it amazed me how changing the emphasis to an upstroke made a huge diffe...
robmurtha has created a new topic in the forum
Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:38 amscale patterns

robmurtha has replied to a post
Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:47 pm | jump to post

There is a question that will help you find the answers, that is do I understand theory? If you are still learning the notes of the diatonic scale, that is major scale and you are still working on learning which is the root, third, fifth etc then your theory skills should take the front seat for now. Finding the root of a key is equal to finding the first note or one of that major scale in G it is G, for the rest of the notes of the key you simply count from there GABCDEF#. Finding the root of a...

robmurtha has replied to a post
Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:05 pm | jump to post

Jaco's 1962 Fretless Fender Jazz - The "Bass Of Doom"
robmurtha has replied to a post
Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:31 pm | jump to post

Golden Dawn Suite - Al Di Meola wtih Jaco Pastorius


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