I started working on a couple of simple patterns that are creating a big impact, I'm showing them based on the scale just start from whatever string position you are at.
1. ascending 21,32,43,54,65,76 ... descending 78,67,56,45,34,23,12
I used to always play this starting on 1 in this form 13,24,35,46 etc but I switched it around and start in the first position in G on G with starting on an up stroke so it goes 17,21,32 and it amazed me how changing the emphasis to an upstroke made a huge difference.
2. ascending 321,432,543,654,765 ... descending 678,567,456,345,234,123
this one just felt wierd since I have always started my scales in ascending patterns, I'm starting to mix ascending with descending phrases and it is helping break some habits