Profile for OneMiamiBum


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Name: What's in a name?
Location: That depends. Is it Monday or Wednesday?
Occupation: Deep thinker
Hobbies: Holding things while my wife shops, writing down things my 7 year old says (for use against her later).
Date registered 12.15.2011
Last online: 09.20.2013
Sex: not specified

ICQ No.: 8675309

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OneMiamiBum has replied to a post
Fri Feb 15, 2013 5:16 am | jump to post

It takes me about an hour before my fingers are limber. I ALWAYS start with some isometric stuff, focusing on stretching me fret hand thumb because Ive had problems there that i dont want to come back. then i switch to some slow 4 fret chromatic exercises across one string. Then I move it across all strings. Then I go to some 5 fret chromatic stuff to start stretching the index and pinky and move it from across one string to all strings. Then I'll play a few things I know real well to see h...

OneMiamiBum has replied to a post
Sat Dec 29, 2012 5:42 am | jump to post

Yes. I feel like my pinky is a wimp. But it's not for lack of effort, I swear. My wife just read your post and said " If he only knew!" I spend a lot of time on trills and arpeggios right now and I can really hear my wimpy pinky there. I will double the effort though. My wife will be so happy :)
OneMiamiBum has replied to a post
Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:25 pm | jump to post

Just to follow up on this old thread. It was about 6 months before I could start playing with my left hand again. I did get pretty good with scalpel and sarod though. I don't wish tendinitis on anyone. I don't think it was anything in my practice technique though. I think I was just over-practicing and not resting enough. Now I stop for about ten minutes for every hour of practice and shake it off. I'm always massaging the palm out of fear it will come back.
OneMiamiBum has replied to a post
Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:13 pm | jump to post

Regarding the trills. The 2-4 and 3-4 are beasts for me. I'm months into practicing them with little if any improvement. I've got my fingers curved but it seems like I just lose mobility when I do that. I'm actually better with 3-4 than 2-4. I'm looking for any advice on finger tip placement. Should the pinky tip be hitting straight down in the center of the tip or at an angle where the outside corner of the tip is pulling down off the string? Ive tried both ways and suck at both haha. Wh...

OneMiamiBum has replied to a post
Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:39 pm | jump to post

Yeah its pretty annoying. It messes up the iPad too.I'm not frustrated at the advertisement. I'm frustrated that it blocks the first 3 posts. Can't it be positioned somewhere else?*** back to trills

OneMiamiBum has replied to a post
Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:46 am | jump to post

Slashiepie,I think i was also applying way to much thumb pressure. I tend to do that when I am making long stretches with the pinkie. When I heal up I'm going to make a conscious effort to adjust my technique there. Thanks for the input.

OneMiamiBum has replied to a post
Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:43 pm | jump to post

I thought I'd give an update just in case anyone was interested.It's been about 7 weeks since I developed my tendonitis. I've only picked up the guitar a few times and strictly practiced open string picking :( For the first month I ice dipped at least once a day sometimes twice (morning and night). I also took anti-inflamatories for the first several weeks. I have massaged the palm and between the thumb and index finger several times a day since onset. It was about two weeks for the pain to...

OneMiamiBum has replied to a post
Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:43 pm | jump to post

I'm taking it VERY seriously. I've always stopped playing whenever there is any pain. Luckily, I've always been able to tell the difference between a hand thats sore from a workout and one thats sore from trauma. I'm trying to evaluate what, if anything, went wrong and caused the condition. Pebber, if you're telling me that you got it back in '99, I'm going to assume that poor technique wasnt the main reason for its onset. Did you ever determine the cause? (lack of warmup/stretching, overpl...

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