
music software

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:48 am
by robmurtha • 94 Posts

thread for music software and good / bad stories

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sonar 8.5

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:51 am
by robmurtha • 94 Posts

I am so done with Sonar, anymore trying to do the simplest thing seems to lead to a dead end with a bug. I made some simple backing track clips and all I'm trying to do is turn them into groove clips and the stupid software can't even get the tempo right, even on a drum track. So this makes all the cool features basically useless - time for Logic Pro! I've been thinking alot about getting it especially because there are some guitar oriented features and the apogee gio http://www.apogeedigital.com/products/gio.php controller. Anyone ever used it?

Last edited Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:51 am | Scroll up


RE: sonar 8.5

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:36 pm
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

I've been using Sonar 8.5 for a year and it seems that it does weird shit at random - like working on a tune for a few days, saving it then going back a week later and then it wont load. Also it crashed when you try to open a file created in version 8.0 or 8.3 and try to open it in 8.5 - you get error messages/file incompatible messages - whats the point of an upgrade if last months files dont work =- its for THAT very reason that I have to keep BOTH 8.3 and 8.5 simultaneously on my computer. I bought Pro Tools 8 M powered and that is by far a much worse piece of shit than Sonar. Pro Tools wont run unless you REMOVE INTERNET EXPLORER 8 and DISABLE DMA memory!! Fuckin GARBAGE programmers!!! They have these problems because AVID is so uptight about dongles and security that have to write this huge piece of code so no on can get in with out the dongle - as a result Pro Tools is awful. I was going to check out Cubase 5 or REason Record. I tried Ableton Live demo and I hated the interface so dont even bring it up I refuse to use that program completely. SONAR didnt have version 9 ready this year at the NAMM show - I wonder why - too many bugs still? The users are now the beta testers? SHould we submit our bug reports will that be helpful to Cakewalk? Give me a break.

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RE: sonar 8.5

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:48 am
by robmurtha • 94 Posts

their "fixes" to the audiosnap totally screwed me on two projects, funny thing about ableton I got that same feeling at first but the interface is why most people use it lol. The most fun I ever had was using a program called Notator on my Atari ST. I played around a little bit with Reason Record but it totally wasted my Mac when I tried to install it there. What bits is that I was about to switch to Logic Pro a few months ago and I upgraded to Sonar 8.5 just because it was cheap - wow I have not been productive since.

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RE: Reason Record

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:30 pm
by pebberbrown • 926 Posts

Werll I have Pro Tools 8 and I dont like the way it takes over the entire environment adn its operatino is a bit lousy to me. My fav is Samplitude and I use v7.0 although they have upgrades up to v.11 now - my version works great and I cant see spending the bux (599) to upgrade. I was going to try Reason Record (On Windows 7 not mac!) because I already have Reason 4.0 and they sell record to registered reason users for only $149. I am interested also in Cubase 5 but this summer $500 is beyond my ability.

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RE: Reason Record

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:34 am
by robmurtha • 94 Posts

I figured out where I was messing up with Sonar and I'm back on track basically you just have to make sure the beat count is right and then looping the clips is easy, I was probably up too late that night lol. I have heard Pro Tools sucks on Windows and that most studios use it on macs, I'm just going to schlog it out as much as I can with Sonar. Reading the Logic manual actually helped because the stuff that I would have to do in Logic was more tedious anyway. It's rare to find one program the does everything you want ... thanks for posting the Acid stuff keep us in the LOOP if you run into any issues with it ...

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