Profile for DapperDanMan


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Date registered 03.23.2014
Last online: 06.13.2014
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DapperDanMan has replied to a post
Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:49 pm | jump to post

Guitar Player,This is I believe is the only true way to get "good" at picking. I was fortunate enough to start out with bluegrass riffs as a youngster which use a lot of alternate picking methods and open strings. I agree that every guitarist should find his/her technique but not feel the need to mirror exactly other players picking methods. Joe Bonamassa has mastered EJ's picking very well but not his style.

DapperDanMan has created a new topic in the forum
Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:37 amEric Johnson/Joe Bonamassa Picking?

DapperDanMan has replied to a post
Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:57 pm | jump to post

Hey thanks hombres. Yes I agree with both of you. Quitting my job to shred isn't going to make me a better guitar player. It will just make me a broke guitar player. I do set aside a time to practice everyday so I am lucky in the fact that I can still pursue guitar but have time to listen to different artists and practice. I guess my concern was that I have found something that I am truly passionate about like everyone else on this forum but don't want to end up that person who was really gettin...

DapperDanMan has created a new topic in the forum
Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:17 amI Got It Bad...Help me


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