Profile for Faz


General information
Name: Paul Farrell
Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom
Occupation: Music/Television Student
Hobbies: Music!
Date registered 08.05.2010
Date of birth: 20. February 1989
Last online: 09.14.2010
Sex: male


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Faz has created a new topic in the forum
Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:54 amIs it like this in all genres?

Faz has replied to a post
Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:06 am | jump to post

Ha, well I asked him about the chicks!FazSaber1 day ago 3 whats with all the ladies on ur website? lolwizardofshred1 day ago 3 @FazSaber They make a good impression :)
Faz has replied to a post
Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:40 am | jump to post

Thanks a lot for the feedback guys :)Ha I know I didn't want to show my face but I wanted to get the video on the forum ASAP, so I couldn't be bothered trying to find the right angle to show the back of my neck minus the face hahaI had a friend of a friend over today who was apparently a "great guitar player" and he shredded my ass off, but all I could think of when he was playing was "you're playing the pads on all fingers!" "tea drinking pinky!" "Walrus Flapper" I swear he was doing EVERY imag...

Faz has replied to a post
Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:28 am | jump to post

Ah that solves it! Thanks a lot Uderoche :)The guitar is an Ibanez Saber (S Series as they're now known) and it's a year older than me! :D 1988
Faz has replied to a post
Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:39 pm | jump to post

Having the thumb behind the middle finger is the one that hurts. The hitchhiker (where I have my thumb at kinda 45 degree angle, it's not completely horizontal now that I look at it haha) is very comfortable.Thanks for advice so far jimiclaptoncarl its much appreciated

Faz has replied to a post
Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:53 am | jump to post

Here's the video :) I've shown the way I practice normally (thumb behind the middle finger with my stupid-ass Swan wrist) from front and back. Also, shown you a method I found today from re-watching that Pebber video about keeping the wrist straight (or in my case, as straight as I can get it) by having the thumb to the side slightly (hitch-hiker) haCheers :)
Faz has replied to a post
Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:24 am | jump to post

Cheers mate, I've seen this video several times ha Think I may have a solution to my problem, I'll put a video up within the next hour or so showing you what I mean rather than writing it haCheers for the help so far!
Faz has replied to a post
Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:36 am | jump to post

Thanks for the kind words :)Ha I'm the other way round! I've been practicing the right hand drills for about 2/3 weeks now, 2 hours a day of just the first module o_OLooking at these videos I've noticed some things that could be improved, that damn swan wrist! I can keep my wrist pretty straight with my forearm when I'm on the top 3 strings, but when going to the bottom three the wrist curves and after playing for a while it really hurts haha I can keep my wrist straight on the bottom three if I...
Faz has created a new topic in the forum
Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:26 pmFaz - Video Showing My Technique


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