Profile for bisleybloke


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Date registered 02.17.2013
Last online: 02.25.2013
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bisleybloke has replied to a post
Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:24 am | jump to post

Hi Pebber,you seem to have a predilection for turning everything into a pissing contest.You should mind which way you're pointing !Find a dark corner and stand in it until you grow up then see if you can talk with the adults.
bisleybloke has replied to a post
Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:20 am | jump to post

Hi John,thanks for your great reply. Oh, you hadn't really done the exercise for me. Before I saw your reply I had done it by hand and came up with the prescribed 15 majors :) Thank you for sharing your learning strategy though, that's really helpful (I've printed it and put it in my folder).The closest thing I have to a computer game/console in my house is an intransigent remote control that insists on selecting the wrong radio station :) No guitar hero for me :)Many thanks and Kind Regards.

bisleybloke has replied to a post
Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:45 am | jump to post

Oh ok, to say I could do it easily was a way of paying you a compliment. Seems you didn't see it that way - unfortunate.Kind Regards

bisleybloke has replied to a post
Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:20 am | jump to post

Hello Pebber,many thanks for your reply. I can easily do what you asked from memory as I watched your music theory video 3 times to be sure I understood how to correctly derive scales. I'm referring to the video in which you explained to some students by re-writing the circle of fifths as a matrix and applying the major scale formula.A reason for asking the question was as follows; I know that the instrument is highly pattern oriented when it comes to scales so suspected that there was an immedi...

bisleybloke has replied to a post
Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:34 am | jump to post

Hi, ok thank you for answering.I'll get on with it :)Thanks
bisleybloke has created a new topic in the forum
Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:28 amNoob help with scale practice please.


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