Profile for bigproblem01


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Date registered 12.26.2012
Last online: 01.07.2013
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bigproblem01 has replied to a post
Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:37 am | jump to post

Thanks for the response guys, I've already seen daily practice - module 1 - part 1 and i'll check out the theory : )I thought maybe there are like videos which progress on a certain topic, so you would go:daily practice module 1 - part 1 >>> for 2 weeksGeneral theory (or smth) >>> for 2 weeksThen you move onto:daily practice module 1 - part 2 >>> for 2. weekschromatic scale part 1 >>> for 2 weeksthen you move on some othersetc. Like not only what to practice everyday but how to start from a and...

bigproblem01 has created a new topic in the forum
Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:20 amPebberbrown Youtube, where to start?


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