Thats funny huh well I am 57 years old and I don't want to waste my time learning what someone else already did I would rather learn technique and then I should be able to play any song if I have all the mechanics....I guess it is the age difference but the time it takes to memorize a song....I could have 3 chords feeling easy....MY philosphy just thought I would point out the difference...Maybe I am also a bit don't want to learn songs and get out there to feeling but I am a guy who likes to know what he is doing anyway and I do learn all the songs for the stage that I am at...and that is fun....I also go back to first string book and start bad do you suck perrtey bad BUT. I have already climbed a mountain getting through the first six strings in a year and learning a dozen chords and a pentatonic scale so.... good to be here only second time I posted. Pebber Keep up the good work Samaritain. Much Appreciatied.