Profile for vardhan116


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Date registered 10.13.2016
Last online: 10.04.2022
Sex: not specified

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vardhan116 has replied to a post
Wed Jun 01, 2022 12:23 am | jump to post

Hello. Could I get link too? i would love to join the discord group. I also have a friend who would love to join the same group. We have been long time Pebber Brown's Followers

vardhan116 has replied to a post
Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:25 am | jump to post

Hey man,First off, welcome to the forums. Everyone here would love to see you play the solo you were talking about, however, if you really wish to be critiqued properly by the members here, please post a video of yourself playing the solo (with a backing track or a metronome. your hands should be clearly visible for people to look at your technique)Also, there is a post in the forums which tells how to upload a video to the forums. check that out.we're waiting for your first video :)(P.S I have ...

vardhan116 has replied to a post
Sat Jul 29, 2017 6:35 am | jump to post

you are right. I noticed my picking angle sucked right after i finished recording. I uploaded nonetheless. I am working on the angle. (i admit tho, i thought my 10's were pretty good. ill work on those too.)Thanks for your input.

vardhan116 has replied to a post
Mon Jul 24, 2017 4:15 am | jump to post

played for about 1 min each

vardhan116 has created a new topic in the forum
Sun Apr 30, 2017 6:00 amMy scale practice videos.

vardhan116 has replied to a post
Sat Apr 08, 2017 1:28 am | jump to post

Thank you for the feedback Adam.Do you suggest that I move on to 7 notes per beat? (I think I might have to spend few hours getting down the 5's)P.S: thank you for removing my double-post.

vardhan116 has replied to a post
Fri Apr 07, 2017 1:17 am | jump to post

vardhan116 has replied to a post
Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:27 pm | jump to post then go to PDF/MP3 files and under student subscriber downloads go to PDF files.scroll down and you will find student right hand exercises.That is where you will find fingerpicking patterns.Even idk the nodes I will wait till i get to download his videos.Directional picking: go to lesson videos on and go to daily practice module 1 videos and i think it is picking basics 1A or 2A just check them out. OR wait til you get to download his videos.I suggest you ...

vardhan116 has created a new topic in the forum
Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:37 am5 and 6 notes at 50 bpm

vardhan116 has created a new topic in the forum
Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:36 amMy first video


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