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  • Small testimonialDateTue Jan 22, 2013 5:07 pm

    Hi Pebberbrown, Hi all

    First, sorry for my english.

    I am not a musician, but I just would like to share something.

    During 1 complete year, my program was Day-job, then hard "Pull & Push" in the woods, Big lunch, Module 1 or 2 during 1-2h max, video-game or everything else and Sleep.

    Sure, I still suck at guitar, but I'm totally free from cig after 15 years of abuse since 1 year.

    Under the pressure at work, it's hard to resist. Everyday, every minute is a fight against to the nicotin call. Just waiting for the evening, only to do Pull&Push, have a good lunch and a bizzare trance on Pebberbrown modules, helped me to manage my stress and the craving.

    I was totally "hypnotyzed" to relax on module 1 and 2 with a metronome and "de-verdamper" !
    I loved praticing chromatic, wholetone, layers, spiders, picking, etc..., with a metronome, totally blasted by the vaporization.

    The instrument. The technique. The metronome. The sound. The pleasure to do it well. I discovered new interests.

    After 3 complete months to be like a monk, I didn't need to vaporize anymore to compensate the lack of nicotin..
    I still like to, but only sometimes.
    My mind is changed forever!

    And without knowing it, I progressed a lot at guitar, I surprise myself everyday ! I now learn songs, easy solos and I create things I like.
    Soon I will start to study the CAGED :)

    Thank you Pebberbrown, I understand why you're called Guru ! Magic

  • Beginning to play again with correct formDateTue Jan 31, 2012 9:46 am

    Expateach, look at the picture of your link.
    The guitar is parallel to the ground...quite 45 ° downside

    Result is the thumb at the wrong place, due to the body physics laws.

    It's not the jazzy position taught by the master which is the opposite way of handling a guitar.

    Work at your home with the jazzy posture and play with the guitar low and parallel for easy gigs if you care about your style.
    but forget this plastic shit I think. It s like learning a kid to walk with crutches before he already knows how to walk normally

  • Thank you Pebber Brown.DateFri Jan 20, 2012 9:28 am
    Forum post by reyisido77. Topic: Thank you Pebber Brown.

    yep, thanks again for all pebber.

    great philosophy, great lessons, great humour, the guitarist discipline

  • Question about online lessonsDateTue Jan 17, 2012 10:19 am

    sorry if I was rude!!

    In fact I only checked 4-5 youtube vidz and directly wanted to buy a 10 dvd pack...

    I posted here too fast in order to quickly buy something but the payment page was not clear to me.

    Sorry, sincerly !

    The lessons and the character are pure awsomeness and what I find messy is just my lack of patience to use the search engine inside your channel.

  • " buy a cheap standard and drag that one around" yep ;)

    When you said it would screw me when returning on the main guitar,
    I thought the same due to the smaller fret-space and body.

    I remember pebber speaking about muscles-memorize.

    So I choose a standard low-cost sized.

    For example if I'm not at home I prefer transport and work on an electric guitar unplugged, bothering nobody.
    Especially outside.

    This is because I job, so I need to catch every moment to stop sucking with my "repertoire" -lol- of metal songs, with my sucking hands technique.

    Just, with a small guitar, I pictured me better working like a geek at the bar's terrace with beers and friends huhu

  • arf...

    so I took the normal size cheapest guitar to transport and work unplugged everywhere without crying for possible dents!

    I took this one, I like its "USA" color ;)
    and also reminds me pebber telling me how many I suck

    that s cool

  • Question about online lessonsDateWed Jan 11, 2012 9:54 am

    lol me too, I buy the lessons to support pebber !

    But for the true online lessons I am still sucking too much to make him loose his time! ;)

    Lets work module 1 and 2 for 6-12 months I think

  • Hi guys,

    What do you think about a mini guitar ?

    Could it be good to work everywhere ? or the fact that it's smaller and also the space between the frets reduced (I guess) could make us keeping bad habits ?

    I mean when working pebber's exercices, not for the sound, not for jamming sloppy.

    Ibanez GRGM21 Gio Mikro Electric Guitar


    Please give me your opinions!

  • Question about online lessonsDateMon Jan 09, 2012 12:18 pm

    yep thanks

  • Question about online lessonsDateSat Jan 07, 2012 6:56 pm


    I am about to focus module 1 and 2 for a long time because I suck

    But I am a little bit lost when searching trought the site and youtube.
    When comparing with the .pdf of the modules,the vidz seems to be uncomplete or messy.

    Ok so I would like to pay to have acces to the complete videos of modules, but it's also the mess inside the purchase page.
    What option should I choose ? the one where it s mentionned Skype ?

    "you get any combination of up to 3 video lessons OR real time Skype lessons " --> that means that I can have 3 lessons with skype exchange , OR a choice of 3 videos lessons inside the website's database ?

    Thank you in advance for helping me, i really suck

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