Hey everyone. I have been playing guitar for 11 years, mostly rhythm guitar. I found PB about a year ago and have copied down all of the pdf's and the daily practice routine. My thing is, I'm 38 and have a family and day job, so my hours of practice unfortunately for me are limited to about an hour a day maybe a bit more. Is the daily practice routine mainly for lead guitar work.
I am curious to know because I mainly play rhythm. But if the routine is for the all around guitar players technique
then I want to dive in. I love the discipline of PB and how he motivates that we all suck lol.
My other question may be a stupid one but is being 38 too old to begin on this journey of the
daily practice schedule? I know it's better to have started as a teen, but I didn't. I guess if you need
to be practicing 8 hours a day to get this I pretty much at this stage can't do that. I wish I could but
I can't. Also is it better to go through all the modes in a practice session or better to pick one or two and work on them.
And if that's the case is it beneficial to switch it up every week or stick to the same thing until you get it down.
I know I should focus on what my weakness is, but I just wanted an idea about the whole routine.