Profile for JW Anderson

JW Anderson

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Date registered 06.13.2015
Last online: 10.09.2015
Sex: not specified

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JW Anderson has replied to a post
Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:06 pm | jump to post

JW Anderson has replied to a post
Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:01 pm | jump to post

Hi Farelli and Delta, Thank you both for the critique, the reason I was having issues is I haven't practiced for a week and I was rather nervous when shooting the video. I honestly have never fully played out as a guitarist... I've only played out as a drummer. The whole reason for me starting this journey is because I want to do both. I appreciate the feedback, I lowered my metronome to 60 and my pinky is building up to be a lot stronger. Also, my arm is still being worked on so physically it w...

JW Anderson has replied to a post
Sun Jul 12, 2015 8:11 pm | jump to post

Hi Farelli, I recorded myself doing a few exercises. And figured out how to post the videos. Obviously not practicing for a week has caught up to me, which is funny hah. But here's two videos with some explanation in them. And I'm obviously a bit nervous doing these videos. I usually spend more time playing and less time demonstrating/practicing on video hah!

JW Anderson has replied to a post
Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:25 pm | jump to post

Hah thanks guys! Let's see if this works?!? I'm still adjusting to my new work schedule. Hopefully I'll get a few more posted today. Unfortunately this band did not work out for me... They were quite a bit younger than me... i was 23-24 at the time and they were in their late teens and it turned into a bunch of drama which resulted in me quitting. But anyway, you guys get to see me drum :) The guitar videos are older videos... I mainly play slide, and I will be posting standard tuning with an a...

JW Anderson has replied to a post
Sat Jul 04, 2015 1:28 pm | jump to post

Hi Farelli,Haha glad someone likes the idea! I can play drums left or right handed, which was my own doing (the ignorance of youth, or just having really cool drum teachers who pushed me!) Okay I will look at your videos! Sorry it took me a bit to reply. I've been busy training at work and have been so burnt that I came home and fell asleep most nights just to recover and acclimate. Now I should be back on track! I understand that completely! Since I drive literally all day long, I honestly list...

JW Anderson has replied to a post
Sun Jun 21, 2015 6:27 pm | jump to post

Currently it's just lesson one practical, right handed exercises. However Pebber did send me more videos today. Im kinda in a funny predicament I am left handed but due to a frozen shoulder I started playing right handed. Recently through chiropractic etc, my left shoulder and arm are no longer frozen. So I think I am going to buy a left handed guitar and work on exercises with both hands. Since I'm at the starting point it might be better for me to try this little experiment now. if I decide to...
JW Anderson has replied to a post
Sun Jun 21, 2015 4:15 pm | jump to post

please pardon some of my slight grammatical errors.

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