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  • Vin's video 4th lessonDateMon Jun 01, 2015 5:44 pm


    Here's my video for lesson 4. 9 notes per beat, from 40 bpm to 50 bpm

    Don't hesitate to comment on it. I want to progress, not to hear everything's great :)

  • Advice???DateTue Feb 10, 2015 11:42 am
    Forum post by Vin Tekiel. Topic: Advice???

    I've started the online lesson last December. I'm a beginner, but from what I can see so far, It's well worth the money, it will give you tons of work to do, and if it's not enough, just take more lessons per month. I'm working 2 hours a day on the exercises, I never took any online lesson (for anything) because it's usually a waste of money. But I have to say, after extensive search, I signed in, and I'm pleasantly surprise. But as Deltadiscos said: "you will only get out of it what you put in".


  • Warning: Real Beginner here!DateFri Dec 05, 2014 5:17 am

    Thank you Ray! Exactly what I needed.

  • Warning: Real Beginner here!DateThu Dec 04, 2014 2:54 pm

    Thank you Pebber! I've got everything I need!!! I'll work on the material, try to post a video on the forum in a week or 2 to get feedback on anything I'm doing wrong and send one to you at the end of the month.

    Thank again!


  • Warning: Real Beginner here!DateWed Dec 03, 2014 8:01 pm

    I know I'm being impatient (sorry), but just to get an idea, how much time do you need to wait in average between the moment when you pay through Paypal and when you start getting materials? I know that it's manual, and with all the Pebber's vid on youtube, I'm anyway all set for some time. It just that I'd like to get started on some theory, because besides knowing the musical alphabet and the circle of 5th (and that is because I watched Pebber's video on the subject), I know nothing. Even the circle of 5th, I understand how to build it no problem, but don't have a clue as to what it is used for.
    I tried to get a book at the library (something like "music harmony") but it jumps straight into concept I don't know anything about.

    Question: Does anyone has some simple things, or pointers to other videos I did not see (I'm still watching like 2 or 3 of PB's videos a day on picking for now) so on my 2 trips next week (12 hours flight each time) I could use that time to work on some theory?

    Right now, I printed the neck diagram and will write down on each one all the same note. Like all the As in one, all the Bs in next etc... That should help me learn where are all the same notes, and maybe try to differentiate the octaves between those (the one that are the same, the one that are 1,2 or 3 octaves apart). Also see the different ways to make the same chord (same octaves, diff octaves)...

  • Warning: Real Beginner here!DateMon Dec 01, 2014 2:11 pm

    Ok, I registered yesterday night :), now I'll just continue right hand and left hand exercise till I get the first video. I'm glad at 43 it is not too late to learn to play guitar. It makes me remember before starting martial arts at 20 asking the teacher if it was too late... he looked at me (imagine a big, 65 years old, you wouldn't want to fight with) and told me he started at 36 lol, I got my black belt at 25 .... and never stopped practising. It's never to late...

  • Warning: Real Beginner here!DateSun Nov 30, 2014 8:47 pm

    Thank you all for your comments!!! Exactly what I was hoping for. I'm going to register now then, and just spend hours everyday on it

  • Warning: Real Beginner here!DateSat Nov 29, 2014 4:03 pm

    Hi everyone,

    Just registered! Yeah!! I'm a real beginner, started a year ago just following along my 8 years old guitar lesson. I've been looking for online lesson and finally stumble on this website. I started practising my right hand picking (1 hour a day) 2 weeks ago, and added left hand exercise (adding another hour a day) a week ago on top of the 30 minutes playing with my son to go along with his lesson. I wanted to start payed lesson right away, but had to wait to get access to the forum to ask a simple question. Does someone like me (again, real beginner, does not know anything about music theory, or guitar) should start right away with those lessons, or is it for a more advance player (someone who actually own a guitar and kind of know how to use it)?

    Yes, I don't even own a guitar for now, I've been borrowing one, but I really want to get one soon, but that would be the subject of another thread.

    Thank you for any help,

    Vin (out), yeah, I've been watching PB videos on youtube :)

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