I did about an hour of pick-2-3-4 exercises last night. A couple of them took me some time to get right, so I had to slow them down. I'll be practicing them much more often.
The last ten minutes or so I spent figuring out a 7/8 picking pattern since many of the ones on the first worksheet are 5/8 and I wanted to see what a 7/8 would sound like.
I ended up with Pick-2-Pick-4-Pick-2-4, alternating between strings 5-3-1 and 6-3-1. I also did the same with P-1-P-3-P-1-3, P-2-P-3-P-2-3, and P-3-P-4-P-3-4.
I found quickly that the bass note (which I was using for the roots) was drilling the irregular heartbeat of 1-2, 1-2, 1-2-3 that you get from 7/8 and that I love the sound of.
I then found that mesmerizing and did a simple progression of I-I-IV-I-V-IV-I in C.
I then played that for several minutes because I liked it.