Quote: JohnA wrote in post #1
Hi guys, I'm new to the forum, just subscribed to lessons last week. I was wondering if any of you could check my scalpel and sarod technique?
Here's my scalpel picking:
I find that with my scalpel, I have to get a little more horizontal with the pick to get a clearer sound...is that ok?
And my sarod:
With my sarod, I find that I can do it really fast like at the end of the video but I quickly burnout at that speed, so I've just started slow and building up.
Your scalpel and sarod technique looks fine to me. That is, I think you have the motions down correctly. Needs a lot of practice and time to be fluid and use it in your actual playing. You should definitely work the sarod speed up from slow to fast. Sarod is not just for speed. It is simply a different wrist motion which you could also do very slowly. So, just as with alternate picking or scalpel picking, sarod picking should be practiced slowly. It is easy to do it fast and uncontrolled. Don't worry, you will always be able to do that. Work on getting it slow, precise, and under control.
Your thumb tends to hang over the pick a little too much for my personal tastes. But that's just me. It seems you have long fingers. If it feels comfortable it's probably ok.
More importantly, your left hand is all jacked up. Your fingers are flying all over the place. Work on the left hand exercises. Ladder, spider, trills, etc. Keep fingers curved. Keep fingers parallel to fingerboard. Use minimal movement.