
On left-handedness

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:51 pm
by julessouren • 6 Posts

Good evening everyone. Allow me to try and explain my dillemma.

Even before I picked up a guitar (about 5 years ago), I 'air-guitared' left-handed. It somehow felt (and still feels) more natural to me. I can list numerous things that I do either with my left or right hand, but that leads me to believe I'm more ambidextrous (or should I say random-dextrous?).

Now, I am starting to become more and more dedicated to re-learn every bit of guitar playing that I know. I'm self taught, did the whole free-video-lesson thingy, read a few books - but no formal training or long highly concentrated practice sessions.

The thing is - should I switch to right handed playing? Among other things, the fact that I've been using a computer ever since I was a little kid (i.e I always have my fretting-hand semi-idle on a mouse, and I'm often tapping on the a-s-d-f-keys with my picking hand) leads me believe my mind/body could be fighting itself on guitar. Also, my fretting-hand-pinky appears to be more twisted inwards - which gives me the impression that this is limiting my reach. On the other hand, I have incorporated my pinky at a pretty early stage so I can control it a lot better than on my picking hand.

My hypothesis: starting all-over again but now right-handed would be beneficial (although very time consuming)
- I would use the fingers that normally do more moving, i.e. when I'm fiddling around without a guitar
- I haven't learned my current picking hand any bad habits when it comes to tension (as opposed to my current fretting hand)

I can go on and on, but I can't seem to use the right words and sentences to convey my 'problem'.

Any thoughts are appreciated. If needed, I can upload a video but I'm not sure what to show...

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RE: On left-handedness

in PB Guitarstudio FORUMS Wed Mar 20, 2013 1:47 am
by thewayweride • 1 Post

In my opinion (not an expert), play in the position that feels comfortable to you. I'm left handed in writing and manipulating my food but my right hand dominates in every other activity except fretting. I could never play guitar left handed. I tried it and it was overly awkward. So, in the end, do what is most natural to you.

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