Profile for jbrad


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Date registered 02.10.2014
Last online: 02.19.2014
Sex: not specified

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jbrad has replied to a post
Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:38 pm | jump to post

thanks for all the answers guys. i definitely feel like im in the right place for improving my playing. i dont disagree with the fact that i could certainly improve my picking. i just want to be sure that i can then use my newly trained skills to do something other than do really well at practicing my picking ya no? i guess there is only one way to find out! practice practice practice... i want to be able to play fast pentatonic runs and once i am at the correct skill level i would like to delve...

jbrad has created a new topic in the forum
Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:17 pmapplying learned techniques musically


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