Profile for aethermachine


General information
Name: Jon
Location: Virginia, USA
Occupation: Marine Designer
Hobbies: Guitar, Gaming
Date registered 12.28.2013
Date of birth: 14. May 1986
Last online: 05.01.2017
Sex: male

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aethermachine has created a new topic in the forum
Thu Oct 06, 2016 11:21 amGuitar Tendonitis (Left Hand)

aethermachine has replied to a post
Sun May 15, 2016 5:43 pm | jump to post

What is the advantage of this program over free programs such as audacity? One I see is that is gives you notes/chords being used in a section, not sure if audacity can do this or not.

aethermachine has created a new topic in the forum
Tue Mar 29, 2016 3:26 pmAlex Lifeson
aethermachine has replied to a post
Tue Mar 29, 2016 3:05 pm | jump to post

So I've played about 35 hours of Rocksmith according to my Steam. In my opinion, it is not a great learning tool the way it is advertised. Can you learn some things from it? Yes, but the way it is advertised is completely false, I highly doubt its the "fastest" way to learn the guitar. That being said, the game is fun to play, although I have had a hell of a time with latency issues and so have a ton of others, so be careful of that. Depending on what you are into, you may or may not like t...

aethermachine has created a new topic in the forum

aethermachine has replied to a post
Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:56 am | jump to post

I know what you mean, I've cut my fingers before and it makes playing impossible until it heals, and the more you play with it the longer it takes to heal! Right now I'm realizing I need some lighter gauge strings for bending, because I've been practicing bending for quite some time now and I have the strength to do it but I constantly tear into my calluses from bending so much, I ordered a few different packs.I've pretty much always used slinky's, and I tried a pack of those new slinky's with ...

aethermachine has replied to a post
Sat Feb 20, 2016 2:11 pm | jump to post

@Heyman, great playing, I sure wish I started playing as early as you have. You seem to have an amazing grasp of theory, I hope you post more often because from reading your posts so far I have learned a thing a two, and definitely picked up a few things I otherwise would have overlooked. Again I'm turning to Rush for more and more songs with rhythmic intention. I've wanted to start a Rush thread but I fear there wouldn't be much interest in it. The more I listen to their albums the more app...

aethermachine has replied to a post
Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:56 pm | jump to post

I had the same type of injury, though it was work related. Numbness and tingling all over my left arm, weakness in that arm, terrible pain in my shoulder and back. Ended up having to get a surgical fusion done, was not fun. To the poster with the shaking forearm, this is most likely fatigue, especially if you are just starting out. You'd be surprised how much physical strength you need to develop in your hands and forearms before you can really grip hard and fret properly for long periods of...
aethermachine has replied to a post
Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:21 pm | jump to post

That's some tight playing Will, I will definitely look out for more vids by you. Triads have definitely opened up some things for me, I've been focusing way to much on these giant chords with odd voicings that I forget to start small. I'm working through "Freewill" by Rush at the moment, the speed and constant time changes are bit tricky but I'm slowing it down and picking it up fairly well. I think its related to our topic, because I think Alex Lifeson is an amazingly well rounded guitarists...

aethermachine has replied to a post
Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:59 pm | jump to post

Hah! I never looked at the video before now, it is awfully robotic looking. Really suspicious claim to practice only 3 hours a day for over a year and develop speed like this....impossible. And bringing up Cobain? Dude wasn't known for his guitar skills that's for sure. He wrote some good tunes though.


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