Profile for John1234


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Date registered 09.06.2012
Last online: 10.27.2012
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John1234 has replied to a post
Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:53 am | jump to post

A wide range of genre's funk rock, blues, country etc.. I was thinking about taking lesson with him however i am short on money this month due to rent! I will most definatly pay for lessons at some point once i have my financial situation sorted out aha! I totally agree that pebber knows his stuff, he is a musical genius and i think its great that he is giving out this information for free! I hear what your saying about it being daunting, theres so much stuff i need to learn both on the guitar a...

John1234 has replied to a post
Mon Oct 08, 2012 11:42 am | jump to post

My aim is to become a well rounded guitar player and to understand all aspect of it. At the moment when i look at a guitar i dont understand how people can play, i know it takes alot of hard work and im set on putting the time in to improve my skills. I haven't planned that far ahead but im not aiming to become professional; im learning guitar becasue i love music and want to be able to jam with my friends who have been playing guitar for almost 10 years.
John1234 has replied to a post
Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:22 am | jump to post

Lastly, once i have practiced something for a long time and got all of the variations down (lets say trills again) do i remove that from my routine and start on something else e.g. spiders or begin to add more exercises on top of what i already have down?
John1234 has created a new topic in the forum
Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:02 amAdvice on where to start?

John1234 has replied to a post
Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:25 am | jump to post

Alright thanks for the advice!! managed to get in 6 hours of practice the other day was working on classical P-I-M-A patters, trills, two handed chords, majors scales linear and horizontal, and worked on a couple songs. Shout out to pebber for the routein has helped alot!! However i have noticed when i swithch from elctric to acoustic my dexterity etc.. gets a bit sloppy? Does this routein aim to improve guitar playing as a whole or just bass/elctric?

John1234 has replied to a post
Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:20 am | jump to post

Ahh i see! This where im im getting confused becasue i dowloaded and printed of the daily practice sheet, looked at it and didnt know where to start :L so what you should do is take one/two things from each module and practice it one day... then the next day take a couple others and practice thoses?

John1234 has replied to a post
Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:23 pm | jump to post

No as i have just joined the forum, could you tell me where it explains
John1234 has replied to a post
Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:06 am | jump to post

Ahh i see! Where can i find these DVDs? Also would like to thank you for all the uploaded videos has helped alot! On the daily practice routine, would you go through the WHOLE thing or just select certain things from each module?

John1234 has created a new topic in the forum
Sat Sep 08, 2012 11:58 amDaily routein


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