Profile for KARN1V4L


General information
Name: Kres
Date registered 06.04.2010
Last online: 06.23.2010
Sex: male


Hi i'm Kres, i've been playing guitar for around 3 years now. My favorite guitarist are Buckethead and Shawn Lane, and I'm interested in all types of music as i have been listening to and becoming interested in different styles of music that may not include a guitar at all!

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KARN1V4L has replied to a post
Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:38 pm | jump to post

naah man, I haven't had the chance to meet Pebber yet. I just watch his videos and get all i can from them, not many teachers are willing to give such valuable resources for free. I think Pebber is a really straight up guys so when i heard he had forums up, I came over here and signed up. I hope to learn about different music just by reading what the folks around here have to say, and i know i will.
KARN1V4L has replied to a post
Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:09 pm | jump to post

Okay heres the uncompressed files, there are four links and each one of them is a song.I apologize if there is any difficulty downloading, I haven't done this in a loooong time.
KARN1V4L has replied to a post
Sat Jun 05, 2010 12:00 pm | jump to post

I'm re-uploading the files individually so that they do not require decompression.
KARN1V4L has created a new topic in the forum
Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:02 pmBox Robots EP


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