Profile for Katie1109


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Date registered 04.08.2017
Last online: 04.26.2017
Sex: not specified

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Katie1109 has replied to a post
Sun Apr 09, 2017 1:37 am | jump to post

Hi Pebber. If I were not an introvert I would possibly join your online paid academy. That plus the fact that I am on a disability pension makes things impossible. I admire your devotion to your students and enjoy watching your free online videos. Thank you for all that I have learned through watching the videos and playing along with you. :)
Katie1109 has replied to a post
Sun Apr 09, 2017 1:22 am | jump to post

Hi. What is the "real book"? I have watched Pebber's Fundamental Music Theory 101 videos on Youtube and he has mentioned a book/s. What book/s is Pebber using?Thanks guys, :)


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