Profile for Manolito Mystiq

Manolito Mystiq

General information
Name: Manolito
Location: The Netherlands
Occupation: Innovatie Artist
Hobbies: Girs, Singing, Playing Guitar, Drawing
Date registered 08.26.2015
Last online: 08.29.2015
Sex: male

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Manolito Mystiq has replied to a post
Fri Aug 28, 2015 8:22 am | jump to post

But, I've learned so much since then. Master Yoda, I promise to return and finish what I've begun. You have my word./quotationNow I understand. Thank you.
Manolito Mystiq has replied to a post
Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:59 am | jump to post

Thank you for your reply,That is what I understood from the video. However, the subscription page has five options:Half Hour in person Lessons,One Hour in person Lessons,3 Online Video Lessons,2 Online Video Lessons,1 Online Video Lesson.That’s why I got the confusion. What is the difference? Or are they done by other teachers?Sincerely,Manolito

Manolito Mystiq has created a new topic in the forum
Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:07 pmIn Person Lessons


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